Collective Team Meetings

All Hands Meeting (Collaboration)

Once a month, we do a collective All Hands meeting:

  1. One member from every team gets to present their team progress to all teams
  2. Go through the general business KPIs from traction to revenue and the contribution of each and every team towards the defined metrics.
  3. Introduce new team members and celebrate birthdays or other personal achievements

Zindua to offer FREE LUNCH to compensate for keeping everyone late on a Saturday.

All Minds Meeting (Innovation)

Every two weeks, we discuss ideas on our All Minds Board to progress Zindua:

  1. Discuss 3-5 ideas on the innovation board, assign ideas different statuses as follows:
    1. In Discussion: To be fleshed out by the associated team before further discussion
    2. Immediate Plan: To be assigned an executor/team and implemented immediately
    3. Deferred Plan: To be discussed during the next quarterly meeting to be triggered
  2. Acknowledge Wins by the company or select team members (What is worth applauding)*
  3. Play a game or have an intricate discussion to foster team bonding

Quarterly Planning Meeting

  1. What was achieved or not achieved in the previous quarter?
  2. What are the targets for every team in the upcoming quarter?
  3. What are deferred plans from All Minds that we need to execute in the upcoming quarter?
  4. Go through the general business KPIs from traction to revenue and the contribution of each and every team towards the defined metrics.
  5. Quarterly Team Bonding after the meeting!

Weekly Team Meetings